Pictured from left to right, graduates in bold
Back: Rev. Mike Troutner, Rev. Gary Stafford
Middle: Billy Norton Jr., Eileen Norton, Bill Norton Sr., Leslie Steinmann, Shannon Lasher, Bill Lasher, Lauren Brittain, Brian Brittain, Jimmy Nance, Michelle Nance
Front: Pastor Jim Brissey, Pastor Jean Brissey
Not pictured: Annette Ciaravino
Congratulations to our first season of Higher Ground School of Ministry Graduates! On Sunday, March 24th, we licensed 11 graduates and ordained 1 new minister!
Pastors Jim and Jean Brissey along with Pastors Paul and Dee from The Lighthouse Church ordain Higher Ground School of Ministry Graduates, Damon and Peggy Hawkins. Congratulations Damon and Peggy!
Classes have begun for our second season, for more information about Higher Ground School of Ministry, please click here.