September 30: Pastor Jim went to Death Row in Raiford, FL and prayed with 1 man in the Death Row Hospital and 5 others on Death Row.
October 2: At Tomoka CI 50 men in blue attended and 4 gave their hearts to Jesus.
October 10: At the Carpenter’s Children’s Home, Pastor Jim ministered to 50 people with a word on mission outreach.
October 17: Pastors Jim and Jean went to Asbury United Methodist in Sanford, NC. More than 50 attended, 1 woman was saved and 10 others rededicated their lives to Jesus.
October 25: At Putnam CI, 70 men in blue attended, 24 men came forward and received Christ and more than 20 rededicated their lives to the Lord.
October 30: At Tomoka CI, 40 men attended with 5 rededicating their lives to the Lord.